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5 Easy and Enjoyable Ways to Make Your Life More Exciting

Do you find yourself spending way too much time on the couch with the t.v. remote in your hand, and a bag of chips next to you? Or do you find yourself taking more than few daytime naps? If the answer to one or both of these questions is ‘Yes,’ is this the type of life that you have always dreamt of?

If it isn’t, perhaps you have gotten into a rut and now find yourself bored with the life that you have been living. Perhaps, as you’re reading this, you’re noticing that you’re dissatisfied with your home, job, etc., OR maybe you love your home, your job, but it feels like something is missing…
Perhaps it’s as I’ve theorized… little by little, you’ve simply settled in to a hum-drum existence.

Let me ask you…

Would you love to wake up, shake things up, and feel some passion again?

Yes? You say, then…
Consider these strategies to pump up the joy, interest, and excitement in your life:

1. Do at least one activity you enjoy each day. We’ve all heard the saying about all work and no play. Life can get pretty boring pretty quickly if all you do is work and come home, only to flop down in front of the TV.

* What are some activities that bring you joy? Indulge in doing something that makes you smile, brings out your creativity, or satisfies your yearning for a familiar hobby.

2. Vow to read at least 10 pages a day. There’s great knowledge, wisdom, adventure, and joy in reading. Whether you enjoy finding out more about topics you love or getting lost in a great adventure, there’s something that will perk your interest.

* You’ll find yourself reading more than you ever thought you would. Feast your mind and intellect on the written word. You’ll like it.

3. Allow yourself to daydream. Maybe you want to travel to France or you’d really like to take a stab at writing the Great American Novel. Close your eyes and let your mind go wild.

* Where would you travel first? What do you want to see?

* What type of novel would you write?

What would the characters be like?

* Indulge yourself in your dreams. They might spark ideas that you can start making concrete plans for.

4. Be honest with yourself about your strong points. When you do, you’ll be compelled to move forward to create a life you truly enjoy.

* Provide yourself with opportunities to engage in things you do well or even excel at. When you show a talent for something, it’s usually something you enjoy as well.

* Spending more time in these activities will enhance your confidence and help to banish boredom for good.

5. Return to doing something you did in the past. For example, if you used to take part in dance contests, yet haven’t danced in years, you might be interested in dancing again. Something that brought you happiness once before can vastly enrich your life again.

* You’ll challenge yourself and relish in all the things you loved about the activity all over again. Re-discovering your passion for something you loved before can spark new excitement now. Take responsibility now to jazz up your life. You’ll build a fulfilling, enriching life when you turn your focus to your off-work hours. Immerse yourself in activities you’ve pined for, dreamed about, or loved in the past. The exciting life you deserve is just around the corner!

6 Ways to Become More Adaptable

How to Be Flexible — Increasing Your Adaptability Factor


Perhaps you’re like me and you strive for a life that’s calm, predictable, and something you can count on. You know what’s going to happen and you’re happy about that. However, I and I am sure you too have already learned, and more than likely–the hard way, that just when you think you know how things are going to go, something happens that puts a wrench in your plan and throws you off your game and leaves you standing idly by scratching your head or inventing new profanities.

On a side note,If we look at the history of our species, we can see, or at least theorize, that man has had to adapt in order to survive and even though we now live in an era of smartphones, hybrid cars, and the like–we still need to learn to adapt and while adapting will take more than these 6 tips, these 6 tips will be a great foundation for any advanced steps that one learns and experiences in coaching. 

If you’d like to begin to learn to be more adaptable…read on.


How can you teach yourself to be more flexible when things go differently from what you expected? 


Try these ideas to increase your adaptability factor and make your life more enjoyable:


  1. Accept that life is unpredictable. The nature of life is ever-evolving. It makes it easier on you when you remind yourself from time to time of the level of unpredictability that surrounds you. In other words, it is what it is.
  2. Keep an open mind. Just because something progressed differently than the way you planned doesn’t necessarily mean there will be a catastrophe. Look at a change in your schedule as a welcome detour. 


  • Be willing to experience a pleasant surprise in a new situation.
  • For example, maybe you were looking forward to eating at your favorite Thai restaurant with friends. But they outvoted you this time and wanted to try something new – an Indian restaurant. You thought you wouldn’t like the food but, surprise, you loved it!
  • Freeing yourself from a rigid thinking pattern such as this may take sometime, but each time that you can overcome it, it loses strength and you become one step closer to being more adaptable.
  1. Consider an unexpected change as an opportunity. When something unforeseen occurs, you might have some chances to do something you wouldn’t have had before. You could even discover a special talent or skill within you. Allow magic to happen.
  2. Shift your paradigm. Who says you always have to go bowling on Wednesday nights? You might meet a whole new group of friends at the karaoke bar this Wednesday. When something doesn’t go as planned, you’re being given the gift to do something completely different.
  • What new idea can you come up with to have a good time? Embrace the novelty of a changing situation.
  1. Have a Plan B. If you plan to go to the beach or to the swimming pool with your sister, whom you haven’t spent time with for ages, consider all the possibilities ahead of time. What if the temperature drops or it rains? Rather than experience an unfortunate event that ruins your day, set up a back-up plan ahead of time to ensure you’ll have a great time.
  • For example, you could agree that if it’s still cool or raining at 9:30 a.m., you’ll instead go to the rock-climbing gym or to bowl a few games.
  • If you consistently set up a Plan B, you’ll rarely be disappointed. Plus, life might be a bit more interesting. Being adaptable has built-in rewards.


  1. Be accepting of new people. Although you may see yourself as liking only a certain type of people, such as professionals, those who drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or love Star Trek, wouldn’t it bring some freshness to your life to welcome some new people into your world?


The more adaptable you are, the more you’ll be surprised and fascinated by life. 

Acknowledging life’s unpredictability, keeping your mind open, and regarding a change in plans as opportunity will contribute to being more flexible. So will seeing an issue in a whole new way, consistently having a Plan B, and easily accepting new people.

Take steps now to increase your adaptability factor and experience the passionate life you deserve!

If you find that these tips help you, please leave a comment, and go to and sign up for our newsletter or better yet, keep up the momentum and sign up for life coaching.



Developing the Courage to Cultivate Originality

Having the courage to be original really means being brave enough to be yourself.Certainly this can seem daunting and frightening, because to really live as you are means opening yourself up to the judgement of others. Usually, we shield ourselves from others to some extent.

Each of us is uniquely valuable. So why hide the truth of who you are?

Imagine what it might be like if everyone truly knew you, inside and out, what wonderful things you’re capable of, and how fully human you are, just like them.

There can be a great, false comfort in conforming and keeping your head down. But you sacrifice ever knowing your true potential. And you risk boredom; when the path is fully laid out for you, there’s no adventure.
Living with originality takes some courage for sure, but the rewards far outweigh the penalties of hiding your inner self.

Being original has a lot of perks:
1. Greater fulfilment and personal satisfaction. Life has more meaning when it’s 100% authentic. When you embrace who you really are, you also become more free…free from the fear that others will judge you as “different.”
2. Increased charisma. People will find you more interesting and pay attention to you more. Authentic people are attractive to pretty much everyone. One again, this comes as you throw off the shackles of conforming
to the whims of others and allow yourself to BREATHE as you REALLY are. In doing this, you allow yourself to radiate the glow that comes from being and living as your true self.
3. Greater ability to take risks and be creative.

Your life will have more depth and you’ll experience more success in every part of your life.
4. Opportunity.

By being original, you stand a chance to change the world. And regardless of what you do, you’ll surely be remembered. Only unique people do great things. Average people do average things.
Try these ideas to cultivate your originality:
1. Be aware of who you are inside.

This may take some thought, especially if you spend all day working and all night watching television. Regularly spend quiet time with yourself. Contemplate who you are and what you stand for.
2. Express yourself freely.

Give your opinions without judging yourself, especially when you’re asked for them. Let people know what you think without being unkind. Allow yourself to have your own style, whether it’s your taste in music, your profession, or just what to wear today.
3. Avoid worrying about others’ opinions.The big secret is that they’re probably worried about what you think of them. Chances are good that nobody is spending much time thinking about any of us.

And there’s nothing more attractive to others than someone that moves through the world confidently and without apology.

Have the courage to be unique! You’ll live in an intensely fulfilled way and you’ll be remembered long after you’re gone.
Just be yourself and let the chips fall where they may. You’ll be surprised how easy it is once you try it. It’s analogous to being afraid of the dark; there’s simply nothing there to fear.
If you fear being humiliated or being made to look foolish. Do something foolish, go for example into a hardware store and ask for aisle where they keep the bread. Or walk into a fast food hamburger establishment and order a taco.
Consider famous people like Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and others. Do you know of another person who is anything like any of them? They’re originals.
People who conform can never really stand out unless they’re in extraordinary circumstances. Maybe you’re not the next Albert Einstein, but how will you ever know if you decide to continue selling shoes all your life even though you want to quit and study physics?
Being original is about having the courage to be yourself and letting the world know who you are. This isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary to truly experience the depth of your life.

Design the Life YOU Desire with a Life Plan

When you engage in active planning, you’re more likely to be more successful in life. You know what you want and how you intend to get it.

Maybe you already have your life planned out then again, maybe you don’t. Either way, these tips will help you devise or tweak your Life Plan so you can move forward toward realizing the joy and fulfillment you deserve.

Take some time to answer the following questions about what you most desire. Who knows, you may have a detailed Life Plan before the week is done!

  1. What are your dreams? Allow yourself some “dream” time to clarify to yourself what you really want. Be as over-the-top as you like. Then, write them down.
  • There’s no limit to the number of dreams or how large they are. Life provides opportunities to let go of certain goals and add new ones. Infuse your Life Plan with all your dreams and goals. Remember what you put out into the universe you get back, so if while you’re writing your dreams, if you hear that inner critic. Stop. Then look at what you’ve written, is the inner voice telling you the truth or is it telling you something that you’ve heard? Perhaps you have written a dream like “To make a living as a writer,” but the inner critic chimes in and tells you that “you can’t write, you can’t do it,” or other negative comments. Is the voice correct? Logically, we know that the voice is not correct.Stephen King, JK Rowling, and others are all proof that people can make a nice living from writing and if others can do it SO CAN YOU! In the instances where the inner critic gets in the way, it is best to write that dream in the third person and recite it each day and BELIEVE that you can have that dream. Once the inner critic and your subconscious are working with you, you’ll be in a better position to achieve that dream.

2. What’s important? Whatever you feel is crucial to you should be reflected in your Life Plan. Maybe you’ve always wanted to have more education. Perhaps you’ve wanted to travel but haven’t the time or money to do it. If you grew up in a rented home, owning a home might be the single most important thing in your life. If it’s important to you, include it.

3. What do you want to accomplish? What deeds do you want to achieve? Now’s the time to write down what you want to do with your life. Is working on a church mission something you aspire to do? Do you want to win an award in your career for your work performance?

  • List what you want to attain in the personal, professional and educational areas of life. 

4. What standard of living do you desire? Your answer will describe the life you want to lead. Do you want to live in a high-rise apartment in the city? Do you want to own your own farm in the country? Maybe you prefer to live simply and pick up and go wherever you want.

  • Perhaps you want to earn more money, live in a large house, drive an expensive car, and enjoy wearing pricey clothes. In essence, you seek the high life.
  • Thoroughly investigate what standard of living you want so you can include it in your Life Plan. Search your soul. There are no “wrong answers” when you’re developing your Life Plan.

5. Do you have fun? Maybe, to you, having fun means locking yourself in your study to write romances all day. You might find training and running a triathlon to be the time of your life. Activities such as bowling, practicing yoga and traveling to Europe also qualify – whatever brings you joy.

  • If you answer this question with a “no,” it’s time to get serious about your fun. You’ll require some time to cogitate about activities you might enjoy. When was the last time you kicked up your heels? List activities that you love to do. What is life without some fun?

6. Are you spending time with friends and family? Generally, those who are the happiest make time for their family and friends. If this issue is important to you, include it in your plan.

7. What do you do for your community? Giving back to your community cultivates feelings of gratitude, satisfaction, and fulfillment in your own life. Donating money, time, or energy for the good of others enables these positive feelings to be an inherent result when you write them into your Life Plan.

8. Are self-improvements high on your list? Striving to excel helps keep you moving toward your life goals. Include short term achievements for many areas of your life. If you anticipate that the self-improvements are going to be a challenge for you and you’d like support, then it’s time to seek out a life coach.

Develop your Life Plan soon and feel free to change it as your wants and desires evolve. Perhaps develop a tradition of reviewing and changing at birthdays, anniversaries, and the like. This way you can see where you have been and admire the achievements that you have made.  Having a Life Plan keeps you focused on all your goals and will motivate you to reach for the stars.

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Being Assertive Has Its Advantages

From the moment you wake up, you probably have a number of opportunities to openly express yourself. Stating your preferences in simple and honest terms can help you build the life that you seek.

Start building your assertiveness skills by putting these into practice and reaping their benefits:
Assertiveness can help you to cultivate more contentment within your life. The more you ask for what you desire, the more likely you are to get it. When you regularly obtain what you want, you’ll find more satisfaction in your life.

Have and enjoy the freedom to ask for what you want. In being assertive, you can feel free to share your emotions with others in appropriate ways, without hurting their feelings.

Enjoy more stable relationships. One of the wonderful side effects of demonstrating effective assertiveness skills is that you’ll experience more stable relationships with less conflict.

Although you most likely understand what being assertive involves, you may be thinking that sometimes responding passively is best. After all, you’re an easy-going person and you don’t expect to be satisfied all the time. But when you act passively, you run the risk of holding in your feelings and becoming dissatisfied because of it.

Keeping emotions inside can take a toll on relationships. Trying to dismiss your emotions instead of discussing them can result in speaking inappropriately later when you finally let out your frustrations. This type of response can be damaging to any relationship. Think of this as building internal pressure, like shaking a Coke can, eventually the pressure is going to max out and just like a pop can exploding….the aftermath can be messy and in some case irreparable.

You have a right to be open and honest about how you feel in your interactions with others. And if you express yourself assertively, chances are good the other person will not be hurt or offended. Most likely, they’ll listen and respond to your needs, which can only improve your emotional connection.

Others see you as honest. When you habitually communicate assertively, people know you aren’t going to pull any punches. They believe you’re going to honestly say how you feel and they don’t have to worry about what’s going on with you.
Manifest greater self-confidence. Interestingly, the more you express your own wants and needs, the more your confidence will grow. Those who assert themselves regularly in the course of their daily lives tend to believe they’ll be successful in whatever they do.
When you state what it is you’re after, people are often willing to accommodate you. How’s that for a confidence-builder?
Attune yourself with your self-worth. Can you imagine doing anything that will make you feel more worthy than simply and honestly asserting yourself? After all, nothing else says, “I know that I’m a worthwhile person” better than being forthcoming about what’s on your mind.
Set the example. As you freely and appropriately express yourself, those around you see the enriched life you lead and are encouraged to go after those same rewards. They’ll emulate the confidence you demonstrate with your assertiveness skills.

The more you speak up for your desires, the better your life becomes. Practice assertiveness daily. When you do, you’ll inspire those around you and ignite your own passion for life.

Sticking To Your Diet At A Buffet

Whether you’re a foodie, on a budget, or just enjoy having a variety, chances are you have dined at a buffet. For the non-dieting individual a buffet can be gastronomic heaven. However, if you are like many individuals and you are on a diet…it can be a slippery tightrope and with one or two wrong scopes very hazardous to your diet! Whether the buffet is at a party, wedding reception or all-you-can-eat restaurant, you’re surrounded by temptation. Use these suggestions to help make healthier food choices and keep the calories under control while you enjoy your meal.

Making Better Food Choices at a Buffet

  1. Browse around first. Scientists at Cornell University studied the differences between how overweight diners approached a buffet versus their thinner counterparts. They found that that 71 percent of leaner people scanned the offerings first to narrow down their choices while heavier diners tended to immediately grab a plate and pile it up.
  2. Load up on vegetables. Most nutritionists recommend devoting half your plate to vegetables and fruits. This is always good for your health and goes a long way toward making any buffet meal lighter.However, be aware of vegetables that are swimming in grease. Dabbing the vegetables with a napkin will help to remove the grease and cut down on the number of extra calories.
  3. Learn to count calories. Avoid underestimating the calories in certain foods. Vegetables dishes have a lot of calories once they get breaded and fried or smothered in cheese. Beware of creamy soups and most salad dressings.
  4. Practice portion control. You can usually incorporate your favorite treats into your diet if you keep the portions moderate. A teaspoon of nuts liven up a salad but eating them by the handful could put you over your limit.

Additional Suggestions

  1. Use smaller plates. The vast majority of people make only one or two return trips to the buffet. Smaller dishes will reduce the amount of food you can fit on each trip and make the experience seem more abundant.
  2. Sit at a distance. Make it more challenging to go back for more by sitting on the other side of the room. Avoid lingering around the table where you’ll be in danger of picking at the food for much longer than you intended.
  3. Face away from the buffet. Keeping fried chicken out of mind is easier when you keep it out of sight. Turn your chair in the opposite direction from the dessert selections.
  4. Drink lots of water. Staying well hydrated is good for your overall health and energy levels and helps you to feel full sooner. You’ll save calories compared to drinking alcoholic cocktails, which could also lower your resistance to over-enjoying the chocolate cheesecake.
  5. At social events, focus on socializing. Pay more attention to the guests and less to your plate. Get caught up in conversation and dancing so you’ll forget about wanting to eat more.
  6. Wear fitted clothing. Leave your stretchy long sweaters at home. Clothes that fit closer to your body will help remind you to eat sensibly. Stop yourself before you feel the need to loosen your belt.
  7. Order off the menu. Many restaurants will give you the choice to order off the menu or eat from the buffet. Opt for a single dish if the buffet looks fattening. Even if the buffet costs less, you save money in the long run by staying fit.
  8. Eat more slowly. If you make your food last longer, you’ll have less time to go back for more. Plus, you give your brain a chance to notify your stomach that you’re beginning to feel full.

Above all, keep in mind that “all-you-can eat” is a description, not a challenge. Slow down and be more selective about what you put on your buffet plate. You’ll eat less and enjoy your food more.

Guided Meditation for Wealth

We all desire to have money, to have our needs met, to not live paycheck to paycheck, and this guided meditation is designed to help you resonate with the idea of having wealth(whatever that means for you) and to help draw that to you.

In a guided meditation, your meditation session is led by an outside source – whether that’s another person or a recording you made for yourself. Also, there is a specific purpose for a guided meditation. Your goal might be to manifest something like better health, wealth, or deep relaxation.

One of the hallmarks of a good guided meditation sequence is that it’s open-ended. A point is reached where the subconscious is allowed to take over and insert its own images and symbols. In the following example, the guided part of the imagery is stopped at the point of walking through the doors. This is where the subconscious could take over.

With some practice, the images that arise from beneath the conscious mind can become interpretable and clear.

You can use this guided meditation to help you manifest wealth in your life by making a recording of yourself reading it aloud and then playing the recording as you meditate.

Guided Meditation for Wealth

Imagine walking in a field, in the soft glow of the moonlight on a pleasantly warm summer evening. The gentle wind causes the tall grass to sway in rhythm. The pleasant scent of the nearby shrubs and flowers intoxicates you as you deeply inhale the moist air.

After holding your deep in-breath for couple of seconds, you slowly release and continue to walk through the field.

As you’re walking you notice many signs of abundance; piles of gold and diamonds are scattered throughout the field. You think to yourself that there is enough for everyone to be wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.

From a long way away, you can hear the gentle hooting of an owl. As the wind begins to pick up, you can feel the warm air blowing through your hair. You notice a light in the distance that appears to grow larger as you continue walking towards it. You realize that it is a temple – a glorious temple made of gold and lit spectacularly by the full moon.

As you approach the temple, you are filled with a sense of awe. You realize that something amazing is about to happen; this is obviously a place of great prosperity and abundance. You feel that the key to wealth is going to be revealed to you.

When you finally reach the temple, you start up the long, winding stairs. You move quickly and easily up the stairs with minimal effort. The movement is so fluid that it reminds you of an escalator, only much smoother.

After a few moments you reach the top and see a set of large doors made of wood. With tremendous anticipation and excitement, you push against the doors with all your might. The doors open slowly and with a gentle creaking sound. You walk into the temple, which is filled with light streaming down from the ceiling. What do you see in the temple?

How to Make Your Own Guided Meditation

You can make your own guided meditations quite easily. The most important thing to keep in mind is to emphasize the senses. Describe what you see, hear, feel, and smell. Also important is that you feel safe and comfortable. For example, you don’t want to imagine being in your bathing suit while in a snowstorm.

Comfort and sensory detail will help you project yourself into the imagery. The images you give yourself and your thoughts around them should be centered on the topic – wealth, in this example. As previously stated, leaving the imagery open-ended will allow you the space to find the answers you’re looking for.

When you’re finished, make notes of what you felt and saw. Examine your meditation to determine what you can learn from it. The answers aren’t always immediately obvious, but they are there.

Guided meditation can be a powerful tool in your self-development arsenal. Used regularly, it can provide tremendous insight and be used as a problem-solving tool.

Try writing your own guided meditations based on your desires, goals, or challenges, and do it regularly. You’ll be amazed and thrilled at the results you see in your life. Please remember one of the universal laws: The Law of Attraction. This law says(paraphrased) that you will draw to you what you put out. For example, if you send out into the universe thoughts and energy that are for wealth, you will attract wealth to you. Also, at times we consciously want something, wealth for example, but our subconscious doesn’t want it for whatever reason…perhaps (using the example of wealth) there’s a subconscious belief that having money is wrong, or that money is corrupt. These hidden beliefs will actually work against you–remember the Law of Attraction. An easy, but slow, way to bring the subconscious into alignment is through affirmations. So you could stand in front of the mirror and recite the affirmation “I deserve to have money,” or something similar and see yourself having money and repeat it three times each day and in time the subconscious will come into alignment and will stop working against you.